lynn phillips & maggie cutler

two names, one writer

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A Lynn Phillips Update

T mag article on paw shoes
You can find my latest T Magazine piece on the Self-Loathing-for-Beginners Site, along with updates on the Brit edition (see next post).

Also, I have been blogging — sometimes rather well — on addiction for Psychology Today. The column is called Dream On…. It needs clicks to survive, so I hope you will visit it and spread the word (as if you have nothing better to do). The words “addicted to” are used as loosely as “irony and ironically” were in the 90’s. We can’t seem to stop describing every compulsion, obsession, predilection and bad habit as a full-blown addiction. Leastways, I can’t. Addiction metaphors are, well, addictive. I intend to explore why.

Going Brit

aurum press ed SL4BAurum Press, Ltd. is bringing out an English edition of Self-Loathing for Beginners, re-entitled I Can Make You Loathe Yourself : The Infallible Step-by Step Programme for Lowering Your Self-esteem. Evidently, there’s a popular series of motivational books that begin with “I Can Make You…” (Rich, Successful, Gullible, etc.), and this new title is a riff on that. The target pub date is October 25th. The text will remain basically the same, with a few updates and cross-cultural adjustments.

Waterstone’s, London’s largest bookstore, plans to push it for Christmas, along with sugarplums, I hope, and a few well-deserved lumps of coal.